why am I still breathing? She said as she scoured the city with a broken heart; the leaves, they keep on falling, the leaves, they keep on fading-- and the trees, they keep on singing.
but why am I still aching? She said as she smothered herself in his wounds and his wounds; but never in His, but never bandaging her own wounded spirit-- and the moon, it keeps on spinning.
but why am I still sighing? She said as she sprints down roads she'd never traveled; just to drown out the awakening demons, just to sing their sad song once more in solitude-- and the car, it keeps on crashing.
but why am I still running? She said as she awakens to bleeding heels and blistered hopes; December, it keeps on wishing, December, it keeps on manifesting dreams-- and the girl, she keeps on walking home with only the sound of her footsteps to accompany her.