I will borrow our time Those wasted on the shores of love Believing you'll be mine Hold me at the end if it rips you apart Everyone needs to know about us
Borrow me your smile The gay robust cheek when you pluck flowers Watching my daughter from the window do same She's you, I see myself too Our mistake she wore, now my pain she is
The squishy sound you make at night After recovering the mails I never saw The doctors said you would live long I believed we would stay Now I have just words to eat
It rained the day I lost you to her Same the day you tore my clothes in the street I let you fill yourself in me A bare floor I am, lost my glory to you The rain is a curse to me
I would have loved to borrow you and time For a night to talk about us To spare me the pains of withering everyday Like the flowers my daughter picks Now I spur myself to the bliss of life.