I tried to wrap my fingers around the world once But like trying to have a finger in every cup of cupcake pan: I couldn’t I ended up with handfuls of soils and clouds swirling through my fingertips
So I decided to get a different goal I would traced every star with my fingertips Lying on my back in a field I saw them all Making dot to dot pictures in the constellations spilled before me Each star I traced had two more coming after it and the numbers never ended
Did you know some of the stars we see aren’t even still lit? They burned out yet still their light travels too us from light years away A lake I heard about in Montana has crystal clear waters Though you can see the water’s floor it is still incredibly deep The shallow look of seeing every pebble is simply an illusion I wish the sky were like that The stars could look closer, feel warmer, despite their distance
Maybe I only wish that because the thought of space makes me uncomfortable I like to think that this is up And that is down but the world’s not flat It’s quite sadly round
My night is day in another place, on this earth What time is it on mars, on pluto, on planets we don’t know about? How small are we really in the grand spectrum of it all?
Because I assure you if you dropped a grain of sand into a bag of rice you could find it If you tried and tried and tried And looked at every grain of rice We are here, we can be found in it all But we have hid ourselves in blankets of space And wrapped ourselves in other stars to make us hard to find