I'm not blind I see what your doing I always have Do you know how much it hurts me? No... you wouldn't It's not like you ask Though to ask you'd have to care I'm hurt How my heart tears up inside with every word How it hurts so much inside Sometimes I have to make it hurt outside But you don't care And that hurts most of all So yes I know what your doing Ur keeping me happy But you'll disappear next year How can I blame you It's not your fault your leaving That was always your escape right? you thought I didn't see you honestly thought I was still so naive you thought if you could keep me under your thumb your ***** little secrets would be kept Because that's what you care about But your thumb is crushing me Soon what will be left of me Nothing. But I'm not something you care about So I don't matter Who would really care if you crushed me? So does it hurt at all to know I figured out your little plan And I pretended not to hoping I was wrong Hoping I could change your mind I could be worth your care But I know it'll never happen But I'll be never know why And that's what hurts the most Knowing I can care about someone Who is just using me And I know it but I can't stop I should tell your secret I should make you suffer the consequences of your own actions Finally show you how much wrong you do Yet I look at you And I just can't hurt you