Modern culture deconstructs itself, jettisons the meta-narrative, finds no truth but power, no power but theory. There is only text, superceding the author's intent. There is no absolute author, only perspectival framings on a malleable, transient text. There is only text.
There is no self, only the postmodern critic deconstructing the world. There is no world, only relativity in culture. There is no culture, only postmodernist theories, open to no truth, for truth is power. And power wills only power -- a dynamite of meta-energy, triggered to explode..
The individual remains lost in the cosmos of theory and text. There is no individual, only clashing wills-to-power. There is no power, only theories and deconstruction. Meaning is meaningless, a maze of repressed attitudes toward a hostile world. There is no world, only fragments of deconstruction, fragments of authorial intent, fragments of theory, of texts, of power and will.
There is no will, only interpretation. There is no interpretation. Only power and theories and text. Modern culture deconstructs itself. The postmodern critic sits satisfied, ready to deconstruct himself.