i remember you you wore your smile the way a traveler wears a pack it was everything
your eyes were bright with adventure glaciers tucked into the folds of the rockies blue i'm blue too
i thought i lost you four years ago today the phone rang like funeral bells i answered like a murderer expecting to find a detective at the door
the hospital still makes me sick i can't forget it all of your friends who always seemed as strong as sequoias strewn across the floor faces painted with snot smears and tear stains
i thought i lost you under sagging soil and a painted headstone there in the pines above the river valley laughter traded for the footsteps of the saddest parade i tried to say goodbye
but i found you there in your sisters smile and in the movie theater aisle and parked in a little rusty black truck in front of my parents house
i find you everywhere while i giggle and sing and tell the people i love how much i do love them you're there
doing the chicken dance behind the arresting officer