Once again the smiling bearded man thinks He is offending Me with His impertinence
Apparently unaware with His cloistered flair that He may have to return to Me for more info later despite His verbal flatulence
Work for free is all He can see despite His being blessed exceedingly
One can only hope this is a mental skill He uses to cope That He reports compliance as suggested and treats the intended subject decently
Don't do this to My kid there is no valid reason for You to skid You certainly have the dollars
Keep performance Art flowing Keep this young woman knowing It should not cost Her to keep Your soul hollering
I have faith and will pray as I wait that logic and sanity will follow
If I have to pay Her since I was nipped to refer Her that future acts will not ring pitifully hollow
Think when You shirk You were paid for Your work and resorted to eye rolling, neck twisting, finger snapping macho nacho attitude if the check was late
I point out no more no less when You experience Alisha's word fest that You acknowledge the young woman is great
And deserves more than a thimble full of demonstrated r-e-s-p-e-c-t