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Sep 2018
My fAmilY is bRokeN into PiECes.

What would you do if I told you
I caRry them around on my poCket as a sad attempt to put them back together aGain?
Sometimes I do get hUrt...
Often I find myself reAching into the pits of my pockets so eaGerly I forget just how ShArp and how hUrtFul those PiECes could be.
It seems nobody knows just how dEEp those PiECes could reach
They don't see the blOod as it seEps
DoWn, into the fibers of my being.
And no matter how haRd I try to waSh the stains of paiN away they stAy.
They may fade with time, but I know those feelings will aLways be in my miNd.
My FaMily is bRokeN into PiECes
PiECes that were'nt meant to fIt back toGetheR again...
Written by
I D Lowrance
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