How do we get ourselves back from the lost places inside our own minds; the places where self-doubt swims like a school of sharks, a school of thought?
The page, tells the kindest lies; doesn’t always have to be true, however, it should be honest.
It should hurt A little.
a cage fighter, like razor-wire, like a coffee cup, like a broken bottle, like suede, like the left wing of a hawk
the right wing of a vulture.
Like the backfire of an old car, the roar of a shotgun; the tink and plink of buckshot on an old 50-gallon drum. like a saw-tooth, like a lion’s roar, like a warm blanket
a war machine, like something sweet, that’s become something else, something obscene. like a sonic-boom rattles a pane of glass.
Nothing is really, like anything else, we’re all simply figuring everything out for ourselves.
We’re fettering, ferreting our own truths from betwixt the lines, our own lies so, keep a keen mind, a watchful eye.