The meadow glows with a soft ambivalence The air is humming with the chattering of birds They try to do their best to impress with nests of decadence But eyes aware see through the facade My heart dreamt of days when wounds will be shared In circles of trust and love To heal that which congeals, and blocks the flow of love
I spent some time to tread the earth as a sojourner, I set out alone Though I never felt lonesome The world spoke to me, The earth kept me company Her symphony carries through the universe I felt loved and warm I felt found Though some may have described me as lost. I was so profoundly found In the company of the earth.
At night I would travel to the silver moon And dance upon her I would see the world below me Blue and green and beautiful My heart felt like a treasure beating in my chest in that moment There was so much to be grateful for, And there always has been.