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Aug 2018
I don't know,
If it's the sleep deprivation,
But I find that I,
Keep on contemplating,
I've had many conversations
With this reflective homosapien
Who keeps berating me
Well I hate him the souless satan.

I stare into his eyes,
Everyday, I try to compromise:
Just let me have a couple of hours
Where everything is fine!
I'm getting tired of his face,
Twisted ball of twisted hate,
But I close my eyes
He disappears!
Turn around quick before there are whispers in your ears!

When the sun warms,
And its the break of day,
The clock barely breaks a smile
Before he starts to chip away.
I should of learnt my lesson
But still I'm second guessing,
I say to myself "I do my best!"
But my hopeful thoughts are deafened.

I start to go and stumble,
Onto my humble abode,
Even though its just me,
I'm truly never on my own.
I creak on through the hall,
But restroom; I do not stop.
I try to avoid any shine
Because I know that is his home.

He's everywhere,
Staring at me in every room!
Compact disk, photo frames
And even through the back of this rusty spoon.
So I just don't bother,
I slip under the cover,
Sweet, blissful sleep I cannot commandeer,
Because he's always here,
Chipping away with whispers in my ear.
Written by
Samuel Champney  27/M/UK
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