We walk; weighted across the brittle back of the world. Somewhere between the dirt that is dust in the air, And footprints that linger longer that our shadows at dusk A story is being unfurled. A story of a seed that was you and me, Birthed, born beautifully, Yet still flawed from fertility The Fates shake when they paint pictures of predictions We've always perceived as non-fiction But in fact; it's our mission to imagine and dream. Build upon what we've already been, To become what we're meant to be. Come see the cosmos of collected consciousness That creates an individuals mind body and soul. This is your tale so tell me how it's told. Are you burdened with baggage that came like a birth-right? Are you angry n' hostile, every day dawns like a fist fight, Where you fight only yourself? Struggle, smothered by material wealth, Lost in the dark n' crying for help? That's all of us. That's everyone. Eerily it resembles my own, We're all a stitch in fabric sewn of family, friends and lovers, strangers, enemies and others. We’re all a rip in the fabric too Torn out from within ourselves Leaving a hole the size of confusion. And we’ll never patch it up. It’s part of who we are. Flawed from fertility But birthed, born beautifully…