My heart races Nervous.Excited.Anxious...suspicious Lies to get somewhere you felt was right
Waiting...Looking...checking my phone for a text "I'm close"..."Im here, where are you" My eyes searching...scared and alone I call a friend I see a similar figure My heart pounds ..finally... Two young teenagers walking for a spot for just the two 20 minutes pass. nothing 30 minutes pass...nothing He finds a place and the stars greet above us Laughter fills the darkness
20 minutes pass... Only laughter is heard, and movement My adrenaline dies... Patience...stops My phone rings as my ride remind me when it will be there ..nothing.
I stop listening to his music I look into his eyes to try and read whats up
more time has passed..more music is shared..more opportunities blown
the spark inside of me died..and I put myself in I asked whats playing in his mind Why the cold feet No proper explanation I get up...he watches me watches me take his money and put it in his bag and the device to import music to my ears he asks where his money is and why I packed his belongings I hug him for the last opportunity
but nothing I walked off watching the fish under me swim he calls after me and we sit down looking at the sea... he sees danger for him and me my heart wimper my mind turns into a storm my cheeks red the energy I had was just silence and pace I walked to the car
texts ring my phone the expected sorry and the text it doesn't feel right hurt me