Vomiting in vulture circles Waiting for a separate self, A true you, That you don't know you're Ignoring To jam dumb grunts and howls Into your false face So that you can be acknowledged By the others Picking the meat off rotting carcasses
I can't be like you. Dance drunk smile Screaming words About things outside yourself That are described by Tombstone languages Meaning nothing to what truly is Ignoring the guillotine gleam Of past pain and present agony That make up the true coward within
I can't be like you. Wandering mindlessly Unpurposeful purpose Pretending there is a plan And a meaning Thinking about Kids Cars Work Vacations Upset by trivial inconvenience Never pondering the finite mirror fool That you will have to abandon Or the immortality of Infinite Thought bursts That might actually be thought of By a blue skinned 4 armed Lord Living vicariously through the Useless you