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Aug 2018
I traveled many places.
I have seen many faces.
On a plane, to chicago I sat by a old man . He was nice very polite so we talked the whole trip through.Be we exited I turned towards him and
had a few kind words to him In hopes to boost his day.
     I took a trip on a ship I Ran into a  married couple.
       He looked lost and she looked troubled so I sat them down and gave the two some advise.
        "  When you find someone and your not miserable when your  with him or her , enjoy the time together".
I got up and left, in hopes all works out for the best.
    Short on cash so I took a bus I sat all the way in the back. Next to me were three young teens cursing and causing havac.
Before I got off the bus I turned to them and said .Excuse me kids I was just wondering if your mother's knew how you act.
     And I walked off the bus.
Maybe I gave the teens something to think about in hopes they change the way they act
I traveled many places and I saw many faces ,I wonder if anyone remembers me.

Written by
Charlene  F/Los Angeles
(F/Los Angeles)   
   Srijani Sarkar
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