and they are always going on telling me about the stars the moons the distant points in space with beings greater and wider and vaster and emotions that are millions of times more complex tragedies thousands of degrees more heartbreaking creatures that see countless colors that we shall never even discover and then they say to me you are ugly you are worthless you are so ugly look see how they will never click you lick you see how they will never like you you are ugly you are worthless you are so stupid and you don't even realize trap yourself in your world of delusion it always works out in the end do you know the depths of your tininess do you comprehend the meaninglessness of your being can you realize the unrealness of your very existence sometimes I truly doubt you can and I take it all in I let them shove their hatred their dark and putrid thoughts into my head let them defeat me and wring me out drying out my insecurities and reminding me of my minusculeness my utter worthless wonder my stupid sorry self