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Dec 2012
The thing about being invisible is the fact that no one can see you and if they can they pretend otherwise. its a peaceful kind of lonely that i indeed appriciate but the pain sinks in and with nothing surrounding you but white walls it becomes a depression more or less a serenity and gives you more time to think about the people you loved the people you lost the people who never gave a **** and then the ones who tried. The **** you've done or someone else had done but it affects you in some way or another and how much of it was accidental, irrational, reckless, fun, with good intentions, or completely and utterly stupid and how much of it was your fault. Life gives you a gun and its up to you wether or not you're going to use the bullets. No one can fix or break you more than yourself. You have to take the chances you're given and grab what it throws at you to learn from your mistakes and to teach whatever beauty and catastrophy comes your way.
Written by
FallenInTorment  22/F/Among the broken...
(22/F/Among the broken...)   
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