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Aug 2018
She didn't know that he saw her before there eyes ever met.

   She wasn't aware that he kissed her lips many times before the actual kiss.

  She never knew that he felt her before he felt her.

    She didn't have a clue about the love he held for her a long time before his lips ever whispered the words, I love you, in her ear.

    A seperation occurred after a two year one way love affair.

  A reunion came forth three months later.

   I bet he wished he would have known.
That the love he held for her.
Would no longer be there. Before she whispered the words ,I love you. In his ear.

Love was to late.
For the love that was Reversed
Written by
Charlene  F/Los Angeles
(F/Los Angeles)   
   Srijani Sarkar
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