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Annamaria Gagno
Nov 2012
Running Away
Running away
by the one she cares
always the same never change
she asks
hows his day
it was good until now
she show up
disappointment he was of her
she cannot compete any longer
she knows
his is in love with his brother girl friend
how can she compete with someone
she belongs to another
he express so much to her
how he feels
right at her face
is like who cares this is the fact
it's also most Christmas
be who you are
she ask once again
what does he mean
expand herself to whom
doesn't matter
she gave so much
how is it so hard to express herself
to care for someone
he treats her like a dog
to be train by his command when and where
today of all days
her day is ended
all she did is walk to where he is
the light of him
was anger to see her there
to hear the words he responds to her
all she can say to him
she feels
his brothers don't treat their women the same as he does
she is just a punching bag to his liking
not a person or human being
she tried so hard to get some
respect and notice she is real
why is it
why is it they don't like
all she knows
men like women that spend money on them
the money is gone
they have their own money for themselves
their own girl friend has nothing to offer
running away
each time
he express the words he says to her
the is full of hate and unlike and unwanted
being who she is
how can she go on
how can she live a life
all she is
is someone simple
she never ask
she gives by the inner heart
to who she is
all she gets
is a slap across the face
no matter
what she does
to care more the guy she loves
she cannot compete
with his brother girl friend that he so much
not realize
it's time to fight once again
learn the basic rules
let him go
let him go
let him go
get help
to let him go
running away
so many times over
yet still goes back giving him another chance in life
Written by
Annamaria Gagno
Hamilton Ontario
(Hamilton Ontario)
R Julleitta
Nick Durbin
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