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Aug 2018
When I see it hit the ground my heart goes weak;
Cause my heart has pushed way beyond its peak;
My burning love gave my flowers truth and meaning;
Your actions are like the forever changing seasons;
Then came autumn;
My leaves once green you made into brown;
They fall;
Like the once abundant tears from my face;
They Fall;
like the rain that pours on my heart;
They fall;
my expectations are now the regrets that tear me apart;
My mind now knows only the negative;
Hear my thoughts, look what you made me do;
I hope your guilt comes alive to destroy you;
Every tear I shed, all the pain I felt;
I hope you feel it tenfold when karma is dealt;
And when you come to tell me about your pain;
I’ll give you your words back;
“It’ll be okay, doesn’t everyone carry their own cross at the end of the day?”;
I hope the pain echoes throughout your life;
And bites you in the *** when you want to be his wife;
Pride and all I put aside for you;
I hope he breaks your heart because yours is way overdue.
Written by
Domford  20/M/Bahamas
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