Behold your statue, you are called By the One, the living God. To be the light upon the world Giving sight unto the world's lost.
They walk on the ash of the world, Wading through rivers of lava; Rasped hands trying to climb mountains. Soot suffocating light of day.
Trudging about as dead machines. Some denying what's past the soot, Some climb the volcano itself, Following the false hopes for light.
Yet there are those who remain curious...
Woe to the lost; they do not know the way! Amongst the ash and fire, how could they? Alas, we, the light unto this cruel world, Must light the path that it may be unfurled.
Wear your faith, not upon a coat of arms, But upon your heart, where His spirit charms. For hearts of the faithful hold mighty love So all the world knows the light's warmth above.