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Aug 2018
Red wine mixed with kisses
High heels tapping the dancing floor
Frank sinatra’s melodies embracing my heart.
Iam wearing my dead red gown and freckles around my neck are no longer subtle so they sparkle when stage lights directed towards the.
My nails are highly adjusted and my hair flows straight down my waist and this generates warmth.

I feel comfortable in my own skin as i took the first sip of my beer followed by suction from a vape.

Butterflies started to invade my stomach,wondering thoughts started to shower me from head to toe,and I felt the weirdest attachment ever to the guy wearing the tuxedo and asking me to dance with him.

I could barely refuse his offer as his eyes was forcing mine to obey the command.
I felt safe
I felt love
I felt joy and satisfaction the moment he wraped his hands around my waist.
He came little closer and told me “beauty decided to reshape in the woman standing before me”
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