Silence Fill inside the box Rhyme a few words to society's rythmm Repeat as if a nature to set aside a story Dignified declining the beat of another Just setting it to subside No No more My story deserves its own time to unfold set To a beat not of society's drum But to the way i want my words to flow My story does not stop At the predenoted titles once thrown at me My battle never ends Fighting with my mind Battles Much more angled to hurt Than the words of the shunned from society This is the rise of the outcast The one from shadows Finally speak of a way many do not understand Manipulate the words to the way of my symphony Drops the disgust and add your words Away from the disguise of humanity and society Into the own adventure of words Where the dragons and Phoniex fly High No longer bound by the words chosen before them By the foggy shorelines as the sirens sing Let's meet there As the symphony of our words Mixes with the Sirens lovely song And the crashing of the waves With the sound of Final Freedom