Your use of words of late, I have noticed, seize the cold light of day snowball the pack ice send a shudder down the spine hail the dawn of an audible ice age lest if only One would listen
that loquacious nature left to stew in the freezer the embodiment of toxic wine your preferred after taste; the sediment of choice demands a selective palate
we have bulldozed The Garden of Eden now only the Snake remains offering the bitter-sweet apple to those who oblige pave the way for emotions to argue their objections a subjective nature in acerbic tones fierce and unwavering; the adulation of the Other
A raised eyebrow denotes a self-centred assuredness that anyone else with a deft hand for art or language is clearly a copy of the blueprint your ingenious creation; such is the intellect you abide by that of your own reckoning
Your argument is the passing of an iceberg perhaps fleeting the early evening; the disingenuous melt of your carbon-cloaked temper
My riposte will be your undoing defeat by the warmth of the passing Sun; embrace that which you chase see what you dont see agree to disagree is the sympathy for your antipathy