Thou be the ray of my light, my sighs,
Falls apart through the cracks of our bond,
The bond of togetherness, crowned as love,
The love, which bleeds no more.
Over the ages, from dusks to dawns,
It arrives, stays, and departs.
During its stay, it pours off emotions for you,
Erases the memories we clung onto,
Dries away the tears of depart,
Starves the hunger of your sight,
Excites my soul for your absence, instead saddening.
Standing the normal throughout the abnormalities,
Have been adoring its stay, this stand since,
Flames of hate covering the shades of love,
Metaphorically, people come people exit,
Like just, the ray of my light, arrives and departs.
Where the most adored, is its stay, heals my scars.