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Dec 2012
Ted Williamse's  head sits frozen
In a cryo chamber in Arizona to be
Thawed and reanimated at a later date.

The splendid splinter.          Set in eternal winter
After all said and done.       Thumper.

                                    THE  INTERVIEW

The­odore, was that a curve or slider ?.

"Can't say for sure sport. I picked up the seams  but it busted in
high and tight

Ted, what exactly was the plan ?

"Couldn't say for sure ace
I'm all in. they froze my head to a
cat food tin"

Ted When do you plan on coming back

"Well, I have no real timetable as such, you
know science moves forward in starts and lurches.
Reanimation and a cure would go real swell.
You know."

Well we all here are praying hard for a cure
You hang on in there. A century or so and your good as new.
By the way Ted ,who signed the papers?
" Couldn't rightly say chum but this meat locker
is sure for the birds"

All right buddy. Thaw
you later.

Well, keep your chin up Teddy and your powder dry
Just think good thoughts and the time will fly.
What's a hundred years to
Geno Cattouse
Written by
Geno Cattouse  california
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