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Aug 2018
I am but an empty vessel
Used to store emotion
I am but a marker
With colors that change with mood
They were once such warm, vibrant color
A bright blue that was soothing
A deep orange that war courageous  
Now all that I can muster is dull and broken
The once bright blue filled with soothing emotion
Now dark and cold, emitting only sadness and despair
My orange fades into yellow and becomes shame and cowardice
I Long for the day my color regains its life
See as time passes they only dies more
With every passing day I see another one
Another crime, another death, another act of racism
It hurts my soul, numbing the ability of my life force to reach my colors
Countless nights I stay up generating questions  
How much cause can the world takes before it tears itself apart?
Or is it already being torn?
With each question I go deeper into this mislaid state
The longer I stay in this state the more my emotion fade
Until my color finally can be seeming through the prism of the electromagnetic spectrum
Until my emotions become transparent to the world
For I am but an empty vessel
Used to store emotion.
Written by
Domford  20/M/Bahamas
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