Stunning art, once a charm to behold, t'was found trashed upon the floor The viewer wept at the scene for it was a beautiful thing "None was like it! Such delicate elegance, perfection of craftsmanship!" The pieces where gathered and left in a heap To throw them away simply could not be done
The door. Shut. An unseen visitor slips in to find the piece in a pile of dirt "Ah ha! Now here is something I can work with and make a new!" Quickly all shards were sought out and found Glass replaces the crystal heap while the visitor leaves
Lock. Is turned. The liquid crystal has gone though fire more pure then before It bends and flows into stunning a form, cuts like diamonds appear "Finer then the original!" exclaimed the mysterious Visitor
The room had been left vacant for several days Doors had been left open to show the newest of arts The master comes in to find his crystal and stands in shock For his eyes behold the impossible
In front of the crystal was this note *"I am the Master Artist who throws out naught Each piece is original Each piece is redeemed Each piece is made new"