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Aug 2018
Remenencing on the years we spent together.
All the things we've done together, all the stuff we saw all the **** we caused. All the people we've met together ,
and everything we said to each other, was the best days of my life.
     Something that I will cherish forever. Never forget ,ever regret, and I would never ever want to do it with anyone else
     A lessened learned and an experience that stands alone.
     You were my company, you were my laughter,
you were eyes and my ears,
you even shared my tears.
You were my voice when I couldnt speak.
You were my pillow so I can sleep you were so many special  things to me .
But the one that is most important than any of the above
is that ......You were always a friend to me
Written by
Charlene  F/Los Angeles
(F/Los Angeles)   
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