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Mar 2010

Your son and his roommate
do not need permission to
sign the lease on their apartment.

They do not need permission
to show up sweaty and
smiling at Sunday dinner-
some men like to jog.

Your son may dress
nicer than you taught him-
but your son and his roommate
do not need permission to
shop at Banana Republic.

He may have asked permission
to get his first car (a Paseo)
and to join the little league baseball team
but he did not need permission
to buy matching suits at prom.

Patricia, would you have given your son
permission to release himself
if every inch of him loved
every inch of

He does not need permission
to feel loved-
but he would like it.
Stacy Del Gallo
Written by
Stacy Del Gallo  Columbia, MD
(Columbia, MD)   
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