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Aug 2018
Beyond grief there is a gratitude and awe,
Of the deep mystery of this mortality we share.
Holding close and letting go, laughter and tears,
Opens us to all that life and love can be.

I’m sorry to leave this earthly home
The sights, the sounds, the aromas of life,
Thanks to all who have walked with me,
Never enough time or ways to say farewell

My spirit has not died,
As my body has ceased to carry the life within.
These lips and hands and legs are silent,
But the loving essence of my heart lives on

The journey has been profound,
And life’s lessons have been rich.
Now you, a few ashes, and a stone
Bear witness that I lived and loved.

I came from stardust and the Energy of Life,
Now I am free to be a part of all that is.
I am beyond the ocean shores and distant stars,
And as close to you as your next breath.
Doug Lester
Written by
Doug Lester  72/M/London, Ontario, Canada
(72/M/London, Ontario, Canada)   
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