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Aug 2018
A well-chosen mask covers up how you feel,
Your words and handshakes are never quite real
Your life’s a drama, exciting and fast
Everyone you meet becomes part of your cast.

You play your role well with costumes and poise,
You’ve got the right moves; you’ve got the right toys
Even on down days you’ve learned to be slick,
A little more swagger and a smile does the trick.

You hug and you chat with just the right tone,
You text and you tweet and are seldom alone,
You play the mystique so incredibly well,
That even your lovers are under your spell.

Yet something is shifting, something’s not right,
You feel it inside, you sense it at night,
A hunger is growing, an insatiable desire,
To move beyond glowing to living on fire.
Doug Lester
Written by
Doug Lester  72/M/London, Ontario, Canada
(72/M/London, Ontario, Canada)   
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