I try not to dread meeting you there, But the harder I look in the mirror the less I want to leave. I want to stay, make bread, howl at the moon, Anything but face the one I've hurt, And yet I know I'm coming for you.
But will you hurt me back? Use this opportunity to surrender your own hurt, And make peace by breaking mine? I gave up that life so long ago, But you're here, now, and that life is mine again.
How far do I go? Far enough to gain the energy to run from you into the distance, Or just to your door? Who will be there? You, them... God, us? Will I find us there?
For more of my poetry, please visit: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Matthew-Barnes/e/B07BYSKPWH/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_5?qid=1533800178&sr=8-5