every time i bring home an award or a certificate or a straight A report card
you say something along the lines of “i’m sure _ did better than you” or “but _ also got an award; you’re not special”
this feeling of not being good enough it hurts it starts as a punch in the gut as a result of me being proud of myself and you violently extracting that pride out of me strand by strand after this procedure it’s a sweltering feeling in my chest like a million fires burning aching inside my heart a desire to want to be good enough to want to get your approval to show you i’m the perfect daughter you so badly want me to be
then comes the disappointment this is, quite possibly, the worst stage it’s seeing that look in your eye that look of dissatisfaction the look of regret for bringing me into this world
if only i could be good enough
if only all these awards and straight A’s could be good enough for you