Once, a man did a horrible thing. Those who made the rules scrambled to make more. They wrapped themselves in cocoons of laws, and felt safe.
Again, a man did the same horrible thing. Of course, the rule-makers did what they knew. They made even more rules. This time they shackled the land with manacles of paper and ink.
Again, a man did the same horrible thing. The rule-makers did what they knew. Around and around they went, the circles never ending. The rule-makers never once thought, that what they knew might not be all there was to know. Never once did they try to leave the circles.
A man tried to do the same horrible thing. A brave man stopped him not by scratch of paper and pen, but by strength of will, and by thunder of sulfur and iron. The circle was shattered.
Initially I wrote this for school, but after some events I decided to publish it here instead.