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Aug 2018
How can I escape my past?
      How long will it take
To get rid of my mask?
      Remembering makes my heart ache,
      It's enough to make my body shake.

I was called a freak,
I was called a creep,
      They told me I belong
At the bottom of a creek,

Every time I speak
They'd say I'm just a ****.
      I was nothing special all along,
But I'm the person they know about the least.

When the time is right,
When it's my turn to fight,
They'll know what it's like to be weak.
They'll see, I was never bleak,
Just discrete.
Never **** of the silent guyz, you never know what they're capable of lol
Raiven Pryde
Written by
Raiven Pryde  21/M
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