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Nov 2012
We came across the waves to change the future.
We built houses with the corpses of dead forests.
We built nations with the corpses of people
whose skin didn't reflect the sun as brightly as ours.
That was a sign from god. He gave us the land
and told us to make it ours, to bring fear to the soil,
so we could offer the bounty up to the sky and call his name.
Our hands were made of metal. Our minds were full of gears.
Our steeples pierced the sky with golden crosses,
to strike at the belly of the lord and let him know
we could command his love if we needed to.
Only the weak beg for what should already be theirs.
Now our hearts are filled with the pride of being chosen,
because we decided to exalt ourselves and swear
that the voice of heaven spills from our own lips.
We put god inside of us so we could do whatever we want.
Aaron Blair
Written by
Aaron Blair  Indiana
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