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Aug 2018
I’m a man writing his own eulogy
Simply because no one knows me better than me;
I’ve told myself no lies, I put up no mask
No hiding behind a façade, no questions to ask:

So when I speak on my behalf just know it’s all truth
I won’t just mention the highlights of my youth;
Sure I’ll talk about the birth of my children
But won’t leave out the bad, I mean we all sin:

I’ll talk about my rough patches and my depression
How I failed constantly, but it wasn’t a loss Just A Life Lesson:
I’ve never claimed to be a perfect person I’ll say
And follow it with but at least I ******* tried along my way:

I’ll quote my favorite songs so you can have a better perspective
So you can know the man writing his eulogy, it’s him being honest nothing selective;
I'll apologize to my friends, family, and those I let down
Just know I wish we could have shared one last laugh and one more round:
Written by
Lucio  45/M/Oregon
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