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Aug 2018
They didn't care when I fell apart
they didn't care to tell me that even when he is gone I am still art
they didn't care to pull me from edge
I make these sad jokes
but they flew over your head
my IG feed wants me dead
they didn't care for the futures because they didn't wanna know
and right now it shows
they didn't care to tell me where'd they go
no its just me and my woes
I find my self wanting better than this
but years and years of
it doesn't getΒ Β better than this
broke me
I forget what hope means
I feel distant but im right here
im lacking the protective layer of fear
cause i suppose I've left earths atmosphere
I was a balloon and they didn't care to hold on
Written by
Akillmisa  17/F/Nowhere
   Kayla Flanders
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