Man's literature surveys the landscape of life with such care that the passionate man is merely a caricature of innumerable minds. The self-created man is as such according to the connections of his own experience to that of the volumes adorning the world's shelves. Mine eyes of passion are the reincarnation of the angel Edmund Dantès; anguish the respondent ripple of the Creature born in Ingolstadt. Burns teaches humility as Boethius the ambitions of Lady Fortune, both under the whims of fleshly confinement. To bear further testament, Nabokov brands the sublimity of the individual as the lost, old soul Taibhsear calls Love out on the street holding the name not of his greatest desire but that of her's. Eons hold the grandest wealth that is the build-up of the "drops in the ocean" that are the whims of man and his written word.