visual representation of a trauma, small or large. we are shy to show our hurt or pain, a bruise is hard to hide. it’s a memory. it’s visible so when it’s there we touch it to feel the pain, and it hurts. much like a metaphorical bruise. it’s a memory. it’s invisible but when it’s there we touch it to feel the pain, and it hurts. bruises. they consist of stages represented by colors. lasting for a few weeks or longer depending on the severity of the injury. some parts of the body take longer to heal, extremities like the arms or legs; or heart. the change of colors is gradual. pink and red. appear immediately after the hit. it’s swollen and tender. blue and purple. a day or so after the impact and is caused by low oxygen supply. the blood changes from red to blue. pale green. a week has passed and the blood is starting to break down. the healing process has begun. yellow and brown. the last leg in the mending stage. it is lightening up much like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. reabsorption has started, getting closer to being pain free. it will then gradually fade until it is completely gone. bruises. proof, evidence and substantiation that we are damaged and need healing.