A half-breed is what I am Its a term that I use loosely Proud to be described as such The product of my parents who are Of opposite backgrounds I have been exposed to the best, And worst, of both their worlds I use this exposure to my advantage My knowledge allows me to adapt
The Mandells taught me manners With little white gloves And a matching hat Salad fork and dinner fork Napkin on my lap Eating shrimp and sipping milk Baked brisket and baked goods Spanish Cream and Charlotte Rousse are variations of the same food
Peanut butter and jelly? Ill have lamb chops, dad would say Live-in maid and manicured lawn Apple trees out back Playing Cowboy with play guns Country Club and Boy Scout Camp Silver service, crystal glasses, Matching furnishings Copenhagen figurines Everythings antique Draw the drapes in the evening Mandell & Dreyfus Clothing Store Located right downtown He was well fed and well clothed Under a beautiful roof Lacking only a sense of real family
The Sisneros taught me family It was all they could afford Hillbillies raised in a rural place Ranching and rodeos and rundown rock houses Ten of them in a two-room house, No running water, with dirt floors, Ceiling plastered with catalog pages with Flower water used for paste Playing Sears Catalog paper dolls Grandma had too many mouths to feed To worry about how good it tastes She cooked a mass She made it fast, a little burnt Tortillas, Chile, and beans Typical New Mexican cuisine Chicken Necks, Baked small intestine Wound around left over fat, Bull Testicles, Blood, Liver, Dead flies trapped in scrambled eggs Grandpa stabbing pies Nothing wasted
Music, singing, and dance Thats how they passed the time Spending evenings entertaining Grandpa singing, guitar playing Classic Spanish and Country songs from that time
And these two who spawned me For I am their offspring Came together when they were Not much younger than me And have been ever since
Their races and classes Are what set them apart As opposite as morning and afternoon When I once thought I should choose Which ethnicity and which religion I should be relating to They allowed me to form my own ideas My own sense of spirituality Who I am Feeling what I feel Believing what I please These two people They just let me be