quips scrawled on scraps of paper, written during a come-down stupor. something she wrote, and then proceeded to destroy. (i gathered all the pieces but have become too lazy to care how she upset herself) drawings drawn in between sentences, in between words. in between syllables. drawn to obviate thought, to put me somewhere between Zen and poser. (the drugs obviate titles, but i’d hedge my bets on the latter) the remains of the Urban Squirrel Hunter – a mythology of the Grey Fox – shredded in the maw of a blue heeler-mutt. written while ******, drunk, and heat-stroked. poetry of a homeless kid. ramblings of an alcoholic, ravings of a tweaker, with commentary by the one who is just visiting – self-destruction is all we can ever be certain of. religion created in a notebook while doing research on a chemical. figured out what near-death means, found life by dumb luck. found life via pocket valiums, gave up religion while sweating in the snow.