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Jul 2018
Bells ring in as,
I wake them,
Fate has,
No meaning,
They will burn and,
I asked .. "why"?
" Because we can",
Came the reply.
"There must be a way,"
I thought to myself,
.. ..... .. ..... ..
There's nothing,
Not at all.
They came to destroy,
That Is .. .. .. All.
That's .. .. ..
All they know,
What to do,
Decades past,
But I knew.
They .. .. .. wanted to,
That's the answer,
No substitute,
For the disaster,
They didn't my life .. .. ..
After All.
They wanted my death,
So they could applaud.
So they could applaud.
Everything is gone ..
And I have to accept my fate.
Not a single friend,
The world .. ..
So full,
of hate.
So full
of hate .. .. Control,
Was their .. .. .
The only plan
Great pride,
In knowing.
I had .. no where.
I've never known,
Evil this
I realised,
That .. .. ..
The pain in my brain,
Came .. .. .. .. .. back.
It came back .. .. .. ..
I don't know why,
Death, Was to be my fate,
But no more tears are left.
The strength .. .. .. .. ..
To end my life .. .. .. ...
Is all I need.
I fought my best,
But this .. ..
Is the destiny,
Cast down on me.
I asked Pavati,
What did she need ?
For me to die,
A Definition of war vs peace.
I chose the later,
But the former,
Was the world's need.
From me,
Taken .. ..
Every piece of life.
Just so that they
could say,
"It was us",
"We made him die".
The hard work that went into it,
I never knew it,
There was so much systematic,
But in the end,
I'll take their souls with me.
Turns out,
The cause of evil,
Really simply put,
Is Greed
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