A solid echo to the empty room Resounding off walls The gasp The plopping din of tears A lonely light
Solitary Screen white in the blackness As I write I sit here Typing away Cat purring Curled as close as he can get Watching a repeat of similar action
Stuffed up Nose-drool Shaking hands The blue of eyes made more prominent by red The aching echo of silent screams
Big green eyes witness Me falling in on myself all over again Cave into my being Doubting that I'll find my way back again Into more darkness The void to my ongoing Depressed state
Finding it better to be there; lonely Numb Than swallow the bitter pill of reality
I want to dull the bass-bound thumping of my own thoughts The pounding of my own blood Believe that I don't exist Unlike what Descartes would have me believe I want to be deceived.