Excuse me, if you must, as the spinning causes seasickness. Open the clouds as you continue on in an aeronautical sarcophagus, thirty-thousand feet above broken land. Grab your lover’s hair, last resort to prepare for the emergency crash landing into mother earth’s disease, or are they simply parting the seas, causing darkness to spread from the unfilled hole in their chest? Stomachs turn as the broken wings and sails fall upon the shores. An ocean of rage delivers waves of hatred embraced. The surf clears, exposing pain and the premonition of a cleansing blood red rain. Shrieks of the banshee and the howls of the hurt rise to meet the clouds seeking to brighten the days afar. As thousands flee in terror we make a toast in the French Quarter. The chariots gain speed and the wake gains mirth, laughingly applauding the approaching dark comedy. The newly arrived antagonist has forced the hero’s hand and now she births forth a wave of healing epidemics. The wake’s in the wind and the funeral’s imminent. Its population’s been soothed into a sedated slumber, but our character has issued too many warning, and strikes deep at the heart of this sinful city, breaking apart the basin’s barrier, and lulls its children back to sleep with bloodstained lullabyes.