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Jul 2018
I heard there's a Raven in town
Wow! how exciting
I decided to hunt him/her down
So I googled the call to see
The difference between He and the crows
He doesn't Caw caw it's more of a croak
Kraa Kraa  
A bit like an old man
Who should never have smoked

OK so now I learn they go in pairs
Not in a crowd
Tails are not fanned shape
But are shaped in a wedge
Oh dear! this is beginning to
Mess with my head

So I set off with my camera
And go for a walk
I head for latton Woods
Ah! wait be still don't talk
Did you hear that? it was a croak I'm sure

when I look up there he is
Majestic, shining, waiting
I hardly dare breath
I gently lift my camera
Click, swoosh
He's gone to the next tree

I clamber through the undergrowth
And he sits posing as if smirking
I'm close enough now
click, whoosh
Off he fly's not a croak does he make

My eyes span the trees and bingo I see him
perched high, I slowly move toward him
This time he's looking away
I raise the camera zoom in
click, whoosh
He's gone

Now I have a set of perfect shots of tree tops
But alas no Raven
I clamber out from the undergrowth
And head back home
janice chinn
Written by
janice chinn  Essex
     Eryck and Fawn
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