as Women we are told that our hunger cannot exist unless it pleases men that the expanses of our bellies are shameful. as if my stomach -- as full as the moon and as flat as the prairie is not beautiful in its ripe glory as if my thighs-- made of thunder clouds are not magnificent as if my body-- striped with pink-white scars is not worthy of worship
as Women we are told that we should feel guilty for every bit of nourishment that passes through our lips but that we should be expected to nourish the world.
but I say **** diets **** starving and fasting andbingingandpuringandworshiping skeletal goddesses that do not exist (because even the most beautiful woman isn't lovely enough for a magazine) and stop "going on a cleanse" because we all know that cyanne and water and maple syrup tastes like **** Instead Praise Your Abundance. run your hands over dimpled soft scared taught rough smooth full flat bulging skin & know that You Are Beautiful &you;; bones do not define you.