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Nov 2012
She lived inside an elegant home,
with topiaries and garden gnomes.
She went to school and on her first day,
she met a girl who was her friend until may.
Her friend left their town on a one way flight.
She cried and cried and cried all night.
She forgot her friend with the help of her mom,
she doesn't know her name because life goes on.

She lives in apartment B25
standing in the hallway of her Junior high.
She swore she loved the boy with the rectangle glasses,
it was fate because they had all same classes.
He broke her heart at the end of November,
but her older brother helped her remember.
In spark of amnesia, suddenly he was gone,
she has forgotten his name because life goes on.

Moving around from place to place,
Her happiness seems to have escaped her face.
Her mother hasn't talked since her dad was killed,
the breaks screamed as he was thrown down a hill.
Her brother is homeless strung out on drugs,
only comfort she has is her high school friends' hugs
She's ditches classes every single one,
knows not the names of her teachers because life goes on.

Her brother sobered up but it all went to hell,
he started serving his country which bid him farewell.
Mourning both deaths her mother drinks tons,
and stays in her room afraid of the sun.
Alienated and forgotten the girl cuts rows
cuts too deep, shuts her eyelids and goes.
The ambulance arrives but she is already gone,
but she is already forgotten because life goes on.
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