A simple beginning, That quickly blackens, And fills with lies. Insincerities fly.
Mother tries and tries, But father dies And the world corrupts my eyes. *** and violence and filth disguise Themselves Like spies. Insincerities fly.
Several birthdays pass, A great relief: They do not last. Candles burn and blister, Trying to erase and cover The grief. People thanking, People wishing, People praying, All for my Wellbeing. Insincerities fly.
Out on my own, Meeting new people, Still somehow alone. A door opens and closes. A necktie Adorns my clothes. “Hello, Hello.” Insincerities fly.
My father’s tombstone, My mothers Aching, breaking bones, A lack of numbness. Sadness. The ringing of a door, The knocking of a visitor. Sickness. A doctor. Pills and plugs and prying, All with A false reply. Insincerities fly.
Everyday, without fail. Insincerity. People saying hello and goodbye. People are born and people are dead. At each occasion they say “I'm well” and they say “I'm fine.” They say “good day” and “thanks.” Insinceritas